Aug 12, 2009

Miley Cyrus Does The Skripper Pole

Did you guys happen to catch Miley Cyrus performance at the Teen Choice Awards?? Well if you missed it, you missed the little Disney "skripper." Miley used a stripper pole as a prop and I just think she is to young for all that mess. It may have been innocent and I heard it created quite a buzz that night. Honestly, I like the little girl, she puts out good music for her audience. But Miley is too much in a rush to grow up. I think she needs to slow it down or she will be Britney bound at a young age. I think that a lot of kids look up to the Hannah Montana star and she needs to be a better role model.

That outfit she had on is inappropriate. For a 16 year old, I should not be seeing your bra on T.V. You may not have asked to be millions of young teens role model, but honey you are. You need to act ya freaking age and stop being in such a rush to grow up. These parents are spending good "efn" money to shut there kids the f*$k up. Its quality over quantity honey, get it together. Peep the vid below.


Unknown said...

Okay, I maybe too liberal in my thinking, just a realist, oh well. It's true kids are wanting to be grown before their time. Dang shame!! I would also agree Miley shouldn't have exposed her bra...not lady like. However, I thought her performance was nice. IMO, she's one of the rare young artists whom I actually thinks has pure talent (not a fan of the younger generation music). the big hoopla about the stripper pole has been blown way out of proportion. it was a prop to keep her on top of the ice cream cart (would have fallen off w/o it)...she didn't jump & spin around. As for Miley being a role model...true, kids look up to her...very young girls. However, it's the parents RESPONSIBILITY to give affection, monitor, instill values, self worth, body image, hormones, etc., & guide their children down the right path. so that when faced w/ everyday influences/ peer pressure, your child would have the tools to make the appropriate informed decision & not fall prey to negativity.

Da InFaMous Nicki said...

I agree with you 1000% an it all very tru. I really didnt see the big deal with the stripper pole. But i didnt like the way she was dressed on the red carpet or on stage. It was very inappropriate for a 16 year old. Thanks for your comment.

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