Jul 14, 2009

Free Republican Blog Site Talks Racist About The Obama's...

Yesterday I came across this article on Mediatakeout.com and I was very disturbed. The article was taken from a free republican blog and the things they had to say about President Obama and his family was just down right racist an disrespectful. I mean its one thing going after the President, but his children they are f**king of limits to you skin head bigots. WTF these kids are innocent and they should be caught in the line of fire by you non open-minded ignorant folks. You would think by now this country would stop throwing hissy fits when they don't get they're way. Would you rather f**king John McCain Senile ass in the White House please that fool didn't even know if he was coming or going. Someone commented an said,

"A typical street whore." "A bunch of ghetto thugs." "Ghetto street trash." "Wonder when she will get her first abortion."

Referring to Obama's older daughter Malia. WTF what is that what young black girls do get abortions at a young age. Well for all you f**king ignorant Prejudice ass mother f**kers "NO" not all black girls get abortions at young ages. I'll have you know I'm 21 in college never had an abortion or any STD's or what so ever. So if you don't have nothing nice to stay go play in traffic an leave those innocent children alone. They don't deserve to be talked about like that. No one does, did you guys blog when the Bush's twins was caught sniffing dope HUH HUH??? Yea I bet not. You didn't even have a problem when that remedial C average ass mother F**ker was in office and ruin the economy. But here a black educated man comes with all the qualification and more and you people are attacking his family SMH. They haven't even given him a fair chance. Everyone is expecting him to fail. God didn't create the heavens and the earth in one day. So Obama isn't going to fix this country in one day. This country that was built on the blood an sweat of African Americans needs some serious TLC. Do yourself a favor and wake up and smell the racist coffee you’re drinking. To read the full article click on the link below===>


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